Servicios de outsourcing | Contable | Tributario | Legal | Auditoria


Tax advisory and legal counselling, in respect of taxes in Colombia. Our tax advisory service includes the analysis of your IFRS policies, taking into account whether your company is small, medium or large. As well as legal situations, aimed at advising on litigation and dispute resolution in tax matters.

Tax Advisory Service

Elements of the tax advisory service


Other elements that are within the scope of our tax advisory service, are:

  • Advise on the impact on the repatriation of dividends, thereby offering alternatives for investments in Colombia.
  • Conduct an analysis of the implementation of international treaties signed by Colombia.
  • Analysis of its operation for the incorporation of new companies in Bogota, studying the applicable tax benefits.
  • Tax situation study to determine the degree of compliance, opportunities and risks.
  • Tax refund advice
  • We defend your tax matters before the national tax office DIAN, administrative courts, administrative tribunals and the council of state CS
  • Handling of questions, notices or assessments made by tax agencies
Elements of the tax advisory service

We know that tax obligations can limit the operability of your business, that is why our professional team will provide you with timely information regarding tax obligations such as:

  • Income tax
  • Sales Tax (VAT)
  • Industry and Commerce Taxes (ICA)
  • Tax planning

Everything you need to know about tax advisory services



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